The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Greg. This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Due to this meeting with the Sacred Heart Second Grade Class lunch we had increased attendance:
Club 15 members
Children 13
School leaders - Mr Jensen - Principal, Mrs Plumb -Teacher, and Karen - Assistant.
We also had a guest - Tara Kaisershot
Due to the Sacred Heart attendance we did not conduct the 50/50 drawing or Happy Bucks collected.
Kip started the business discussion:
Barb had her knee surgery this past Friday and initial reports are that the surgery went well and she will start physical therapy this week.
Dale reported on Sacred Heart:
Reading was completed December 6 - readers included Dana, Dale, and Joann.
Reading dates for January are the 10th and the second date to be determined.
Dale also reported that Completely Kids is scheduled for Wednesday - members to help include Rod, Rich, Dennis, and Ralph.
Salvation Army Bell Ringing was completed last Saturday, December 7 (one entrance location) and the next date is December 14 (two entrance locations). Volunteers confirmed.
Glen asked that everyone get their service hours to him by tonight.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for December 17.
Dale led the Christmas Program:
The children and members each stood and introduced themselves.
The children also told their favorite school subject.
Dale also asked the children questions on the meaning of Christmas.
After the meal Tara Kaisershot gave each of the children a Christmas gift bag. Tara and Barb prepared the gift bags.
The next meeting is scheduled for December 16, at 12 Noon, at Legends.
Steve Bunting