The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Rich. This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance 14 members.
The 50/50 drawing was held with no winner.
Happy Bucks was collected.
Kip started the business discussion:
Kip reported that Barb is scheduled for knee surgery on December 6. She will likely miss most if not all of December.
The Clothing for Kids Program was successfully completed last Tuesday. Kiwanis volunteers met with the six families with 17 kids at Walmart. Clothes were selected and paid for with Kiwanis funds. Volunteers included - Dave & Barb, Joann, Frank, Steve & Cheryl, Joel & Colleen, and Barb Irvin with her husband..
Sacred Heart report:
Reading was completed the past Friday November 22 - readers were included Joann, Joel, and Steve.
The next reading is December 6. Readers are uncertain - may possibly include Dale and Joann.
Completely Kids was completed last Tuesday which included Rod and Dana.
Vince again passed out two sign-up sheets with open times and dates:
Members to schedule the monthly guest speakers for 2025.
Salvation Army Bell Ringing in December.
The Guest Speaker was Jason Doll of Think Whole Person Healthcare.
The next meeting is scheduled for December 2, at 12 Noon, at Legends.
Steve Bunting