The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Rod. This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance 17 members.
The 50/50 drawing was held with no winner.
Happy Bucks was collected by Rod.
Kip started the business discussion:
Barb discussed the Clothing for Kids program. All is set for tomorrow night at Walmart - six families with 17 kids. Volunteers include - Dave & Barb, Joann, Frank, Steve & Cheryl, Joel & Colleen, and Barb Irvin.
Dale reported on Sacred Heart:
Next reading this Friday November 22 - members included Kip, Rich, and Greg.
Possible December reading December 6 or 13.
Dale also reported on Completely Kids which has the next volunteer opportunity next Tuesday. He asked for two or three volunteers. Rod and Dana accepted and Ralph will check his schedule.
Vince again passed out two sign-up sheets with open times and dates:
Members to schedule the monthly guest speakers for 2025.
Salvation Army Bell Ringing in December.
Glen stated that he appreciated those who responded and read the Kiwanis Youth Protection Guidelines.
The Guest Speakers from the Joslyn Museum were Kris Tew Schoot and Kris Berquist.
The next meeting is scheduled for November 25, at 12 Noon, at Legends.
Steve Bunting