Attendance 16 Members
We opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
No winner for the 50/50 Split.
Rod collected Happy Bucks..
Our sympathy to Kip for the loss of his Mother.
Joel did not have any information on interclubs at this time. He said to feel free to make suggestions to him.
Salvation Army Bell ringing schedule is posted on our website. It lists the date, time, place and the name of the volunteer.
Vince is arranging speakers for December.
The Board Meeting for November 29th was postponed.
Barb, Dave, Dale and Rich will volunteered for reading at Sacred Heart School for November 30th. Next reading is December 14th. Glen and Rod volunteered. 2 more are needed. Contact Dale if you can volunteer.
Our Christmas lunch for the 2nd grade class from Sacred Heart School will be on December 11th at Legends. Try to be early to greet the children when they get to Legends.
No dates at this time to help with Completely Kid's.
Rod reminded everyone he and his wife will be at Bailey Pointe Assisted Living on Monday, December at 6 pm if you are interested in learning how to have game night with the residents the first Monday of the month in January, February and March. Contact Rod if you would be available.
Deb had a suggestion for a way for us to help shelters. She suggested that we bring something for the shelters to our meeting each week. Ideas are food, clothing, toy's, tools etc. Deb and Joann will make sure they get delivered to a shelter.
Be sure to send your November service hours to Glen.
Joann introduced our speaker Tiffany Awortive of the Boys Town National Hotline. The Boys Town National Hotline is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and is staffed by specially trained Boys Town counselors. It is accredited by the American Association of Suicidology The statistics she presented were amazing. We are fortunate to have this sevice in our city.
December 4th speaker will be from the Super Nova Volley Ball Team.
Next meeting is December 4th at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John