√ February 3:
Canopy South; Cesar Garcia, Executive Director
February 10:
Omahawks Radio Controlled Airplane Club - Grant Schulte and Jim Henley
February 17:
RISE: Jeremy Bourman, CEO
February 24:
Omaha's Preservation Program: Shelley McCafferty, City of Omaha Preservation Planner

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Welcome to the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha
Founded in 1938 for Kiwanis Club of Greater Omaha and founded in 1961 for Kiwanis Club Westside which have merged together to form the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha. Each has a rich history of community service throughout the years. We are an eclectic mix of ages, genders, occupations, backgrounds and interests. We are all passionate about making our community and the world a better place for children so they can thrive. We are devoted to serving the children in our local community and also children all across the country and worldwide through unique and innovative service projects and fundraising initiatives. Members and invited guests meet each Monday at Noon for food, fellowship, and for the opportunity to hear from speakers about important matters in our region.
Meeting Location:
RSVP or Questions: [email protected]
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Greg. This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance 17 members.
The 50/50 drawing was held with no winner.
Rod collected Happy Bucks.
Kip started the business discussion:
Our guest was soon to be Ex-Lieutenant Governor Barb Irwin. She passed the Gavel, the Home Banner and the Special K Award to Joann our new Lieutenant Governor.  Congratulations Joann.  Thank you to Barb for working so well with our club.
Rod gave an update on the Key Leader Camp. Our club will sponsor 2 attendees.  Rod is working with staff at Millard North High School to select 2 students.
Dale said reading at Sacred Heart School will be October 18th.  Dale, Barb and Dave volunteered. Joann volunteered to be a backup.  There are only 12 second grade students at this time.
Completely Kids will be on October 29th. Rich, Dennis and Dale have volunteered.
Joann mentioned a Rally by the Key Club from Missouri Valley would be held in the Skyline Room at her address on Thursday.  This has been canceled.
Glen asked everyone to email him their September service hours.
Installation Dinner is Tuesday, October 1st at Champions Run. Social time is at 6:00 pm. Dinner is at 6:45 pm. You can pay Steve at the door if you have not already paid Steve or Barb.
Kiwanis Club Dues are due before October 10th. You can send your check to Steve, bring it to the installation dinner or give it to him at our next meeting.
Barb collected some checks for dues and the installation dinner
The guest speaker was Becky Kern the Warning Coordination Meteorologist for the National Weather Service in Valley. She gave a good presentation of what all they do at the Valley station. She explained a lot of the duties of the meteorologist located there.
The next meeting is scheduled for October 7th at Legends.
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Rich.  This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance 17 members.
The 50/50 drawing was held with no winner.
Dennis collected Happy Bucks.
Kip started the business discussion:
 Barb provided an update on the meal support for the Ronald McDonald House.  Last week she and Dave delivered the final set, for this business year, of food (frozen, etc) to the Ronald McDonald House.  The House staff told Barb that they preferred this type of meal support which proved flexibility for the days in which they have no scheduled meal preparation. 
An updated Club Dues message was sent yesterday.  Please get your dues sent to Steve.
The Installation Dinner is set for the October 1 at the Champions Run Club, 138th and Eagle Run Dr.  The menu list of choices was sent by message.  A roster was sent around the meeting attendees for any attendance updates.  Dinner payment to Steve at the event will work.
Dale provided two updates:
   First - Completely Kids cancelled for this week.  The next date is October 29.
   Second - the start of reading at Scared Heart is October 18, on Fridays this school year.  The schedule of volunteers of those to read is set for the 18th.
Dennis stated that the speakers for October is set.
Kip stated that the Club members who are working speakers through the end of the year is set.  Kip will take January.  Vince will handle scheduling members to find speakers for 2025.
The guest speaker was Lt Stephen Fornoff of the Omaha Police Department.  The topic was "Overdosing" which covered the recent and current status of illegal drug use in the Omaha area.
The next meeting is scheduled for September 30 at Legends.
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Frank.  This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance 18 members.
The 50/50 drawing was held with no winner.
Rod collected Happy Bucks.
Frank started the business discussion:
 Last Wednesday six members attended the Division 20 Council Meeting (Glen, Kip, Frank, Greg, Joann, and Steve).  The meeting was the last for Barbara Irwin as Lt Governor.  Joann will succeed Barbara as the next Lt Governor.
 Dennis discussed the Flag Program.  This Wednesday is the last flag day for this year.  He is still looking for two morning volunteers.  Eddie agreed to take one spot.  Dennis to send another email.
 Frank stated that he had received another participant for the program who donated $40 to the program.
Glen thanked those who had provided their monthly service hours.  He reminded everyone who had not done so to please send out immediately.  
Dale stated that he not yet contacted Sacred Heart for the reading program.  He typically does so in late September.
Today's guest speaker:
    Courtney Baumann
    Learning For ALL
Next Meeting is September 16 - 12 Noon, at Legends