√ October 7:

Shannon Wiig, Director of Omaha Visitors Center

√ October 14:

Valerie Stoj, Election Committee.  She will give us an overview of the 2024 General Election.

√ October 21:

Linda Placzek Kiwanis Safe Environment Training

October 28:

Shawn McCarville, Project Pink support group for Breast Cancer survivors.  October is Breast Cancer awareness month

Welcome to the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha
Founded in 1938 for Kiwanis Club of Greater Omaha and founded in 1961 for Kiwanis Club Westside which have merged together to form the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha. Each has a rich history of community service throughout the years. We are an eclectic mix of ages, genders, occupations, backgrounds and interests. We are all passionate about making our community and the world a better place for children so they can thrive. We are devoted to serving the children in our local community and also children all across the country and worldwide through unique and innovative service projects and fundraising initiatives. Members and invited guests meet each Monday at Noon for food, fellowship, and for the opportunity to hear from speakers about important matters in our region.
Meeting Location:
RSVP or Questions: [email protected]
Attendance 13 Members.

The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Greg.  This was followed with the Pledge of Allegiance. 
No winner for 50/50 drawing.
Dale collected Happy Bucks.
Joann introduced her friend Joyce as a guest for our meeting.
Bill reminded everyone that our speaker next week will be Jay Morales from the 50 Mile March. Bill arranged for us to have Clayton Anderson, a retired NASA astronaut to be our speaker on March 25th.  He would love to see other clubs invited and a large attendance for these meetings.
Barb contacted Ronald McDonald House about delivering frozen food to them again. Our new contact is Emily Swett. Ann Woodford is no longer with them. Emily said the residents really appreciated the frozen food we provided last fall. They used it on nights dinner was not provided and also when they would get back to RM House late in the evening. Barb suggested spending $200.00 from our RM Budget to do this again. It will still leave money for us to cook one or two meals at RM House. Barb and Dave will do the shopping for the frozen food  and deliver it to RM House. The group approved doing this.
Deb reminded everyone they can bring in household items, clothing and food to our meetings for Sienna Francis House, Stephen Center and Open Door Mission.  Joann and Deb will make sure our donations are delivered to these places. This week we had shirts and food brought in. Bringing in something each week makes a difference in a lot of lives.
Dale said  Dave, Barb, Rich, Joann and Dale will be helping pack food bags for back packs at Completely Kid's on Wednesday.
Dale has Reading at Sacred Heart School scheduled for Thursday. Ralph, Rich, Joann and Glen volunteered.
Jack said the Scholarship applications are due in by Friday. The committee will meet and start grading the applications.
Our Golf Outing will be June 7th. Steve has reserved Tregaron Golf Course for us. It is not too early to start thinking of donations and ways you can be of help for the outing.  Gift cards, golf balls, golf items, gift baskets etc would be appreciated for the raffle.
Glen asked everyone to email him their volunteer hours for February.
Ralph introduced our speaker Rebecca Saunders Director of Programming for The Set Me Free Project. This is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to bring prevention education to youth and families to stop human trafficking before it starts.Their curriculum is informative, interactive, and flexible, reaching students (K-12th grade), educators, parents and leaders in every facet of our communities.​The Set Me Free Project® is unique in their use of engaging, age appropriate curriculum in every presentation. They focus on defining human trafficking and helping students identify why and how they could be at risk. Rebecca's presentation was excellent. I think all of us learned a great deal about human trafficking. You can email Rebecca if you have any questions. Her email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Speaker March 4th will be Jay Morales from the 50 Mile March,
Next meeting is Monday, March 4th at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John
Attendance 12 Members
The was called to order by President Kip, with a prayer by Rich, followed with the Pledge of Allegiance.
No winner for the 50/50 Drawing, as Bill Speaker drew the 4 of clubs.
Kip collected Happy Bucks, which totaled $23, as much happiness was shared with the club.
HIghlights of the recent Board Meeting of February 8, were reported by President Kip, and a few other Club members updated on several club projects, such as the playground project at Catlyn School, Jack gave a progress report on Scholarships, Sacred Heart Reading, of which the next date to read is February 22, then also on February 29.
Our distinguished club member Ralph Peppard was the speaker of the day. Using his legal expertise and vast experience in law,  Ralph presented the topic of Wills, Trusts, Power of Attorney, and Estate Planning.  Some highlights included:  Special Needs trusts can be built into a will, distinguished between a Will and a Living Will, Probate, and Contract Wills.
Significance of a Living Will, for example, can reflect in writing the specific wishes of someone, especially if incapacitated.  In addition, Ralph also spoke about Inheritance Tax, and stated that there is some discussion on both the state and federal levels do discontinue these taxes.  Ralph answered several questions, clarified some of these complicated processes, and presented some stories/situations that he has encountered regarding these topics.  It was a very interesting and informative presentation and discussion.
Ralph assured the club that he had an outside speaker for our next meeting, noon, at Legends,  February 26, 2024.
Submitted by, Glen Fineman
Attendance 17 Members.

The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Joann.  This was followed with the Pledge of Allegiance. 
No winner for 50/50 drawing.
Dennis collected Happy Bucks.
Joann reported on items discussed at the Board meeting on February 8th.  
Additional information will be supplied to the board in February regarding the playground for Catlin Elementary School.
A $1000.00 donation was approved for Omaha Street School to be used for operation expenses.
Together Omaha and Sienna Francis House each received $250.00 donations. They had representatives speak at our club meetings.
A $250.00 donation to Special Olympics for Vince Pille for participating in the Special Olympics Polar Plunge.
Budgeted items of $300.00 to Children's Fund and $180.00 to NE-IA District Foundation were distributed.
Having a Social Gathering  for our club in April was discussed.  Barb volunteered to check with Cunningham Bar and Grill regarding the cost. Cunningham's was too pricey. Let Barb know if you have a suggestion of other places to check on.
Next Board Meeting is April 4, 2024.
Steve said our club sent a $100.00 donation to Talking Books in memory of our long time Kiwanis member Will Spech.
Dale said the next reading for Sacred Heart is February 22. Joann, Greg, Rich and Glen volunteered.  The following date is February 29th. He needs 4 volunteers. Contact Dale if you can volunteer.
Dale, Barb, Dave, Rich and Joann volunteered to help at Completely Kid's on February 28th from 9:00 am to around 10:30 am.
Our Golf Outing will be June 7th. Steve has reserved Tregaron Golf Course for us.  Start thinking of donations and ways you can be of help for the outing.  Gift cards, golf balls, golf items, gift baskets etc would be appreciated for the raffle.
Jack said scholarship applications were mailed and  are to be returned by March 1st. The committee of Jack, Bob, Dennis, Rod and Glen will review and select the winners.  Jack will present scholarships at our meeting on April 8th.
Jack talked to Frank. He is home and is doing well on his own.
Deb reminded everyone that they can bring donations for the homeless to any of our Kiwanis meetings.  They can be clothing, food, personal items etc. Joann and Deb will deliver them to Stevens Center or Sienna Francis House. 3 people participated in this again this week.
Bill informed everyone that Jay Morales from the 50 Mile March will be our speaker on March 4th.  Bill arranged for us to have Clayton Anderson, a retired NASA astronaut to be our speaker on March 25th.  He would love to see other clubs invited and a large attendance for these meetings.
Vince appreciated our club supporting him for the Special Olympics Polar Plunge. It raised $229,000.00 for Special Olympics. 
Our own member was our speaker today. It was Ralph Peppard, He is a member of the Omaha Men's Garden Club. This is a group of women and men that enjoy working with the community to promote gardening, pollinators, and groups working with plants. An interesting fact was that an 84 year old woman named Katherine Smith started the club so her husband would have something to do. 
Their annual plant sale is May 3rd, 3 pm to 7 pm and May 4th, 8 am to 12 pm at the Keystone Event Center. $110,000.00 made from the plant sales have been donated to various charities. We really enjoyed all the information Ralph shared with us. 
Speaker for February 19th is Ralph Peppard on Wills, Conservatorship and Probate
Next meeting is Monday, February 19th at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John
Attendance 16 Members.

The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Dave.  This was followed with the Pledge of Allegiance. 
No winner for 50/50 drawing.
Ralph collected Happy Bucks.
Dale, Barb, Dave and Rich were at Sacred Heart School for Reading on February 1st. It went well.  Next date is February 22. Greg, Joann and Rich have volunteered.
4 Volunteers are needed for February 29th.  
Dale, Barb , Dave and possibly Rich volunteered to help at Completely Kid's on February 28th.
Glen asked everyone to email him their service hours for January by this weekend.
Vince will do the Polar Plunge at Lake Zorinsky, Saturday, February 10th at 9:30 am. Donations will go to Special Olympics. A donation from our club will be discussed at the Board Meeting on February 8th.
Kip introduced our speakers. They were Chris Bauer and Sylvia Rodriguez.  Chris is the Chief Advancement Officer for Sienna Francis House. He has been with them since April, 2023. Sylvia has been with Sienna Francis House for 5 years.The Siena Francis House welcomes, shelters and empowers individuals experiencing homelessness to navigate their path to housing. They have unconditional acceptance. They will accept anyone. Chris presented very interesting statistics. Their most recent pride and joy are the 50 Tiny homes that were  constructed and opened in October. They were filled by December. Sylvia also gave us interesting facts about homeless people. It was an excellent presentation.
Board Meeting is Thursday, February 8th at 6:30 at Kip's office.
Speaker for February 12th is Ralph Peppard about the Men's Garden Club.
Next Meeting is February 12th at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John