√ October 7:

Shannon Wiig, Director of Omaha Visitors Center

√ October 14:

Valerie Stoj, Election Committee.  She will give us an overview of the 2024 General Election.

√ October 21:

Linda Placzek Kiwanis Safe Environment Training

October 28:

Shawn McCarville, Project Pink support group for Breast Cancer survivors.  October is Breast Cancer awareness month

Welcome to the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha
Founded in 1938 for Kiwanis Club of Greater Omaha and founded in 1961 for Kiwanis Club Westside which have merged together to form the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha. Each has a rich history of community service throughout the years. We are an eclectic mix of ages, genders, occupations, backgrounds and interests. We are all passionate about making our community and the world a better place for children so they can thrive. We are devoted to serving the children in our local community and also children all across the country and worldwide through unique and innovative service projects and fundraising initiatives. Members and invited guests meet each Monday at Noon for food, fellowship, and for the opportunity to hear from speakers about important matters in our region.
Meeting Location:
RSVP or Questions: [email protected]
Attendance: 17 Members
50/50 Still no winner.
Dana collected Happy Bucks. 
Jack Jackson was gracious enough to offer to have a summer party for our club members at his home. It will be Saturday, August 26th at 6:30 pm. The meal will be catered. 
Dennis said he could still use 2 more volunteers for pickup of flags for July 4th. Placement is at 7 am. Pick up is at 6 pm.  Contact Dennis if you are available.
Dennis is trying to put a team together for the SW Club golf tournament.  Email Dennis if you are available.
Barb reminded every one of the opportunity to volunteer for McDonald/ Big Red Friday. It is August 25th from 6 am to 9 am.  
If you would like to volunteer, please visit https://app.vomo.org/opportunity/big-red-friday-with-rmhc, select your choice McDonald's location, and click join. Create a simple account with Vomo and you are good to go!  Joann, Frank, Dave and Barb have volunteered.
Dave is still working on our Website. It is a lengthy process.
There is Club Leadership training on Saturday, July 8th from 9:30 to 12:30. It will be held at the Council Bluffs Library.  There will be Zoom training on July 12th  & August 14th from 7 to 9 pm.  It is important for Officer's and Chair people to attend one of these. Glen and Joann plan to attend a Zoom meeting.
Glen asked to have your volunteer hours for June emailed to him as soon as possible.
Kip introduced our speaker Zac Triemert, President & Head Distiller for Brickway Brewery & Distillery.
Brickway opened on Dec. 13, 2013. It is located in the Old Market.  If you look at their logo, the B in Brickway is also a 13.

Brickway products also bear three words that nod to Zac's passion and purpose: Celebrate, Commiserate, Commemorate.  Brickway's slogan is, It doesn’t matter if you’re celebrating, commiserating, or commemorating, Brickway is going to be there for you, Tours are available every Saturday. You can go online to schedule your tour.

Speaker for July 6th is Krystina, the  Foster & Volunteer Coordinator for Town and Country Humane Society in Papillion.

Our next meeting is July 6th at noon at Legends.

Submitted by Barb St John

Attendance: 13 Members
50/50 Still no winner.
Joann announced the next Board Meeting is Tuesday, August 8th at 6:30 pm. It will be at Kip's office.
SW Club Golf Tournament is July 13th. Dennis is putting a team together.
July 4th is Flag Placement. Volunteers are needed. Email Dennis if you can help with placement or picking up.
Our Golf Tournament was a tremendous success.  Thanks to Steve for chairing it and to all of the members that helped make it successful.
District Convention is August 4th and 5th. Glen and Joann plan to attend. Registration fee will be paid for by the club. Joann will send information on our opportunity to volunteer accepting produce for Grace.
Joann introduced our speaker Richard Patterson, Director of Operations for Counterparts LLC. Counterparts is a property management company that handles daily operations for the 105 homes in Riverfront Condo Association.  They are an Omaha Based company of 25 employees. They manage the Riverfront Condo's and Midtown Condo's. Hearing how this works was very interesting.
Speaker for June 29th meeting is Zac Triemert, President & Head Diistiller of Brickway Brewery & Distillery.
Our next meeting is Thursday, June 29th at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John
Attendance: 19 Members
50/50 Still no winner.
Ralph collected Happy Buck's. 
Joann reported on the Board Meeting.
Kip brought pizza that half was paid for out of the Administrative Budget.
The $2000.00 check received from the District Foundation was deposited in our Public Service account.
We have a total of $53,000.00 in our accounts.
$500.00 was approved to contribute towards sending a Key Club member to the Convention in Anaheim, CA. Tracey Domgard is the Key Club District organizer for this trip. They have 12 Key Club Members signed up to go. The cost of  $1490.00 is for registration, airfare, 6 nights lodging, a bus tour and a trip to Disneyland. The $500.00 contribution will help with their expenses.
It was approved for our club to pay registration fees for the District Convention. 
Next Board Meeting is Tuesday, August 8th.
Next Flag Day is July 4th. Email Dennis if you are available to help.
Dennis reported that so far this year $3,608.17 has been collected. There's still a few people that have not paid. Frank will contact them.
Steve said the Golf Tournament exceeded the budgeted goal.  The goal was $4,600.00. The net was $5,100.00. He had lot's of volunteers. Tregaron Golf Course  is reserved for the first weekend in June of next year for our next golf tournament.
There is a possibility of a Summer Party. Joann is looking into us taking a ride on  Omaha Rapid Bus Transit (ORBT). Getting off at a mall and going to a restaurant to have dinner. Joann will have more information on this in the near future.
Kip introduced our speaker Pam Wiese · Vice President PR and Marketing at Nebraska Humane Society. Her job is to carry out the shelter’s mission through her actions and through media. Being in her position for nearly twelve years, she has and continues to present that mission through traditional and social media, always wearing many hats and always crediting the shelter’s success due to hard work of thousands of animal lovers- many of them seldom seen. Pam had a handout with amazing statistics.  She was presented with a $100.00 check for the Humane Society. 
Barb presented this message from Ann Woodford, Comminity Relations Manager Ronald McDonald House. "I am reaching out today as we are beginning to recruit our incredible volunteer base to help us sell flags on Big Red Friday which will be on Friday, August 25th from 6:00am to 9:00am. Volunteers will be needed at McDonald's locations all across the state in order to help us sell Husker flags and raise money for all the families staying at Nebraska's only Ronald McDonald House. If you would like to join us, please visit https://app.vomo.org/opportunity/big-red-friday-with-rmhc, select your choice McDonald's location, and click join. Create a simple account with Vomo and you are good to go! "  Barb & Dave, Frank and Joann have signed up to do this. 
Speaker for June 22nd is Richard Patterson, Director of Operations for Counterparts LLC. Counterparts is a property management company that handles daily operations for the 105 homes in Riverfront Condo Association.
Next meeting is at noon on June 22nd at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John
Attendance: 13 Members
50/50 Still no winner.
Rod collected Happy Buck's. We were a Happy Group.
Email your May volunteer hours to Glen so he can send them in.
The best way to respond to Gaggle emails from our members is to scroll down to the bottom of the page and  select Respond Individual. By doing this you will only send to the member you want to receive it. It will not go to the all of the members. Joann passed around an example of what you should not do when replying to an email.
Location of where to pickup flags for Flag Day on June 14th might be changed. Dennis will send an email the new location if a changes is made.
Steve said things went well with the Golf Tournament. Only one team did not show up. There were a few lesson's learned for next year.  Our tournament for 2024 is set for the first Friday in June. 
 A big Thank You from all of us to Steve for doing a great job chairing the tournament this year.
The District Convention is August 4th & 5th. Joann is planning to attend.  Our club s scheduled to be greeter's and collect produce. Joann will email more information closer to the convention.
We did not have a speaker. Our member's became the speakers. We each told a little about our lives. It was a very good way to learn a  more about each other.
Next Board Meeting is  Tuesday, June 13th.
Speaker for June 15th is Pam Wiese from the Nebraska Humane Society.
Next meeting is at noon on June 15th at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John
Attendance: 15 Members
50/50 Still no winner.
Jack collected Happy Buck's. We were a Happy Group.
Email your May volunteer hours to Glen so he can send them in.
The best way to respond to Gaggle emails from our members is to scroll down to the bottom of the page and  select Respond Individual. By doing this you will only send to the member you want to receive it. It will not go to the all of the members. 
Dennis said they will need volunteers for flag placement on Wednesday, June 14th. Email Dennis if you are available to volunteer.
Steve said he appreciates the help he has received for our Golf Tournament.  He has plenty of volunteers.
The District Convention is August 4th and 5th. Joann will email additional information regarding our volunteer opportunities.
Barb is looking into us preparing another meal at Ronald McDonald House in July or August.
Dave said our web site is still down. It will be down for awhile. Use Gaggle to communicate with our club members.
Rod reminded everyone that All Play needs volunteers. Go to Allplay.org to volunteer.
Kip introduced our speaker Ryan Fischer, Architect with Alley Poynter Macchietto.  Ryan gave a fascinating presentation on the expansion of the Joslyn Art Museum. It was amazing to see what it will look like by 2025. 
Next Board Meeting is Tuesday, 13th at Kip's office. Email any agenda items you have to Joann. 
Next meeting is June 8th  at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John