√ October 7:

Shannon Wiig, Director of Omaha Visitors Center

√ October 14:

Valerie Stoj, Election Committee.  She will give us an overview of the 2024 General Election.

√ October 21:

Linda Placzek Kiwanis Safe Environment Training

October 28:

Shawn McCarville, Project Pink support group for Breast Cancer survivors.  October is Breast Cancer awareness month

Welcome to the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha
Founded in 1938 for Kiwanis Club of Greater Omaha and founded in 1961 for Kiwanis Club Westside which have merged together to form the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha. Each has a rich history of community service throughout the years. We are an eclectic mix of ages, genders, occupations, backgrounds and interests. We are all passionate about making our community and the world a better place for children so they can thrive. We are devoted to serving the children in our local community and also children all across the country and worldwide through unique and innovative service projects and fundraising initiatives. Members and invited guests meet each Monday at Noon for food, fellowship, and for the opportunity to hear from speakers about important matters in our region.
Meeting Location:
RSVP or Questions: [email protected]

 Attendance 19 Members

We opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. 

 No winner for the 50/50 Split.  

Rod collected Happy Bucks..

I received this from Joann. Our Club qualified for the District's  Distinguished Club award for the 2022-2023 fiscal year.  Joann filed that application on October 28 using Flags as our Signature Project.   Congratulations to all who worked to make our flag effort possible.

Vince said the schedule is full for Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army on December 9th at Nebraska Furniture Mart. Our club asked him to sign us up for another date.. It is December 16th from 10 am to 4 pm. He passed around a sign up sheet. Email Vince if you can volunteer and did not see the sheet for December 16..

Vince also passed around a sign up sheet for speakers.  Email Vince if you can volunteer and did not see the sheet.

Barb passed around the sign up sheet for Clothes for Kids shopping on November 7th at Walmart on 72nd and Pine at 5:45 pm. Joel, Greg, Ralph, Joann, Rod, Frank and Vince have volunteered for our fun evening. We have 8 families,  I could use one more volunteer.  I have contacted all 8 families. One has a problem getting transportation. Our club agreed to pay for Uber if necessary. I'm working with April our Westside Social Worker to arrange transportation for the mom and daughter.

Dale said the Christmas party for the 2nd Graders from Sacred Heart School will be on December 11th at noon at Legends. 

Completely Kid's is November 14th. Rich, Rod and Dale have volunteered. Dale would like to have 1 more volunteer. Contact him if you are available.

Dates for reading at Sacred Heart are November 2 and November 16th at 1:45.

Email your October service hours to Glen. 

Glen introduced our speaker Sarah Hoff Shared Housing Coordinator for Metro Housing Collaborative. Their aim is to develop beneficial relationships between property partners, community partners, and tenants. Ultimately, their efforts are for those experiencing a housing crisis. They strive to provide creative solutions for affordable housing.

Speaker for November 6th:  Mary Ann Eusebio, Information and Assistance Division Director for Eastern Nebraska Office on Aging (ENOA). She will give an overview of ENOA services and programs available for older adults in our 5-county service area.

Next meeting is November 6th at noon at Legends.

Submitted by Barb St John,

 Attendance 18 Members

We opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. 

 No winner for the 50/50 Split.  

Dana collected Happy Bucks.

Glen confirmed that we are down to 30 members.

Glen assured us our application for Distinguished Club Award will be entered by November 1st.

Vince passed around a sign up sheet for Salvation Army Bell Ringing on December 9th from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm at Nebraska Furniture Mart. It was for one hour time slots. It also included a space to sign up if you were interested in having a 2nd time to ring bells. Email Vince if you'd like to volunteer.

Vince also passed around a sign up sheet for programs for our meetings. It is for a month at a time. Email Vince if you'd like to sign up for a month.

Dale said the next Completely Kid's is November 14th. He needs volunteers. Email Dale if you would like to volunteer.

Dale said the Reading project at Sacred Heart is going well.  Barb, Dave, Greg and Dana were the Reader's last week. 

Next date is November 2. Barb, Dave, Joann and Rich have volunteered for it.

Dale is working with Alicia regarding the Christmas Party to transport the 2nd graders to Legends to have lunch with us.  One of the following dates is being considered. November 30th, December 7 or December 14th. He will keep us updated.

Barb passed around a Thank You Note from Ann Woodford at Ronald McDonald House. She thanked our club for the frozen meals that the club purchased and Barb & Dave delivered.

Barb received  a list of 15 children from April Anderson for our Clothes for Kid's project.  April is the Social Worker for the Westside School's that Barb contacts each year. April works with the counselors from the following school's to select the families. Hillside Elementary School, Paddock Road School, and Westgate School.

We have 8 families with a total of 15 children to shop for. Barb has reached 7 out of 8 of the families. They were so appreciative of having this opportunity. 

Barb passed around a sign up sheet. It is for Tuesday, November 7th at 6:45 pm at Walmart on 72nd Street and Pine.  

Volunteers so far are Joel, Greg, Kip, Ralph, Joann, Rod, Frank, Barb and Dave.  Email Barb if you are available to volunteer.

Be sure to send you service hours to Glen for October.

Glen introduced our speaker. Mike Hornacek, President of Together Omaha. Together envisions a community of prosperity where everyone experiences safe, affordable housing, food security, health and wellness. Mike gave us some amazing statistics on homelessness and food insecurity in Omaha.

Speaker for October 30th is Metro Housing Coordinator Sarah Hoff, of Metro Housing Advocates.

Board Meeting is Wednesday, October 25th,  at 6:30 pm at Kip's office.

Next meeting is October 30th at noon at Legends.

Submitted by Barb St John

Attendance 13 Members

We opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. 

 No winner for the 50/50 Split.  

Glen collected Happy Bucks.

Our meeting today was for giving committee reports and visiting with each other.

Joel is lining up Interclubs.  3 Members attending a meeting of another club is considered an Interclub.  Joel read a list of Clubs, day, time and place they meet. The Bellevue Offutt Kiwanis Club will meet Friday at noon in the Lied Center, 1000 Galvin Road South.. The speaker for October 20th is Tara Williamson, Sarpy County CASA. Let Joel know if you are interested in signing up to go to an Interclub.

Dale said the reading at Sacred Heart School on October 5th went real well. Dave, Barb, Dale & Steve were the Readers. Next time is October 19th. Barb, Dave, Greg and Dana have signed up to be Readers.  One more person is needed for November 2nd. Barb, Dave & Joann have volunteered for November 2nd.

Dale is in the planning process for our Christmas Lunch at Legends for the 2nd Graders at Sacred Heart School. 

Completely Kid's went well. Joann, Greg, Ralph and Dale helped pack the bags for the backpacks. Completely Kid's .serves 13 schools and 1500 kid's. They also have 70 in their after school program. Next opportunity to volunteer is November 14th. Email Dale if you would like to volunteer.

Vince will be sending out a sign up sheet to sign up for a month at a time to arrange for speakers.

Vince arranged for Salvation Army Bell Ringing for December 9th  from 11:00am to 6:00 pm at Nebraska Furniture Mart in the Electronics Building. He will send out a sign up sheet.

Barb  ordered the frozen dinners from Walmart for Ronald McDonald House. Barb & Dave will deliver them Wednesday.

Barb passed around a sign up sheet for volunteers to help with Clothes for Kid's Shopping on November 7 at 5:45 pm at Walmart on 72nd and Pine. 

Joann visited Linda Reimer at Omaha Street School. They discussed the Internet problem they are experiencing.  Linda is going to check to see what is needed to improve their Internet connection.  Joann suggested this might be a project our club could help with.

Joann will fill in for Kip at our next meeting.

The rest of the meeting was spent visiting with each other.

Next Board Meeting is October 25th at 6:30 pm at Kip's office.

Next meeting is October 23 at noon at Legends.

Submitted by Barb St John



Attendance 15 Members

1 Speaker

We opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. 

 No winner for the 50/50 Split.  

Thanks to Deb for taking the aluminum cans our club donates to the recycle center. We appreciate all your effort on this.

Joann reported we are at the end-of-year. As near as she can tell the following  will no longer be members of our club: Jack Frost, Jessica Buss, Jerry Coleman, Teri Layton and corporate member Deb Carlson.

Reservations for the Installation Dinner are closed. 20 members, 12 spouses and our Lieutenant Governor will attend. 

The Installation Dinner is at Champions Golf Course on Tuesday, October 10th. 6:00 Social time. 6:45 dinner will be served.

Joel agreed to continue as Interclub Chairperson.

Region 2 needed a Trustee. Kip and Dave were our representatives. They voted by zoom on October  5th for Linda Placzek 

Vince  agreed to be the Chairperson for the Salvation Army Bell Ringing.

 He will let us know the date and ask for volunteers.

Vince will be the Chairperson for Programs. He will send a sheet around for us to sign up for dates to arrange for speakers.

Dale reported the first day for Reading at Sacred Heart School went very well. It was Wednesday the 5th. Dale, Barb, Dave & Steve volunteered. There are 18 students this year. We will need 4 volunteers for each Reading. Next Reading is October 19th, Barb, Dale, Dana & Dave have volunteered. Barb & Dave volunteered for November 2nd. Dale does need 2 more Readers. Email Dale if you are available.

Dale has 3 people lined up to help pack meals for back packs at Completely Kid's on Wednesday, October 11th. It starts at 9 and is usually finished by 10:30 or 11.  Email Dale if you are available.

Barb suggested using the balance of the Ronald McDonald House Budget to buy frozen meals to give to them instead of going to prepare another meal this year.  Ann from Ronald House said the residents would appreciate this on day's no one has signed up to prepare a meal.  Barb will order through Walmart. Dave and Barb will deliver them.  

Barb gave an update on Clothes For Kids. She has contacted the Social Worker we have worked with in the past. April will identify  15 children that would benefit from this project.  We will meet a parent and child/children at Walmart on 72nd Street at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, November 7th. Our club allows $125.00 for clothing  for each child. No toy's or candy.  We will need volunteers to walk with the parent and child/children while they select their clothing. This is a very rewarding experience. Barb will be sending out a sign up sheet.

Joann went to Omaha Street School to look at the area for serving meals. It only has a refrigerator and a couple of plugs.The lunch schedule is full for the rest of this year. She suggested adding the project of preparing a lunch for them in 2024 to be added to the budget.

Be sure to send your service hours to Glen.

Our club is still looking for a Signature Project to spend up to $10,000 on. Send Kip any suggestions you may have. Dale is checking with the Principal of Sacred Heart School to see if he has a project in mind.

Joann introduced our speaker Rick Rohan. He is Lieutenant Governor for District 19. He gave a comprehensive presentation on Omaha combined Sewer Overflow Program.

Our next meeting is October 16th at noon at Legends.

Submitted by Barb St John

 Attendance 12 Members

1 Speaker

We opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. 

We had a winner for the 50/50 Split.  Eddie was the happy winner.

We're still in end-of-year dues collection mode. Unsure about Deb C as a corporate member.  Jack F, Jessica B, Jerry C and Teri L  will no longer be members of our club. We now have 31 members.

Reservations for the October 10th Installation Dinner are coming along nicely. 18 members have responded yes. 12 have responded no.

The other 5 are to let Joann know if they will or will not be attending the dinner by Tuesday evening. She will be turning in the final count Wednesday morning.

Joel  agreed to continue to be chair person of the Interclub. Our Lt. Gov has a priority of identifying all websites, so Joel will actually have something with which to work with. 

Vince  will be the chair person for Salvation Army Bell Ringing.

The Board voted to sponsor up to 3 District kids to go to the Key Leader Conference in October. It is $250.00 per person.

Dale reported reading at Sacred Heart School is Thursday, October 5 at 1:45 pm. Dave, Barb, Steve and Dale volunteered for this date.

Dave, Barb, Greg & Dana volunteered for October 19th.

Joann, Barb & Dave volunteered for November 2nd. Need 1 more volunteer.

Dale also reported on packing meals for back packs at Completely Kid. It is November 11th at 9:00 am. Joann, Greg & Dale  volunteered. Need at least 1 more volunteer.

There is an interest in serving lunch to the Street School. Joann visited the Street School  to see what the facility has available. They have a refrigerator, a few plugs available for crock pots and serving utensils. No date, menu or budget determined at this time.

Jack reported the Scholarship Letters were mailed to the High Schools today. Our club will donate three $2000.00 scholarships.

Dave reported that our speaker for today was displayed on our our kiwanis website. It will disappear after the meeting is over. Be sure to email Dave the name of your speaker so he can put it on the website.

Just a reminder it's time to email your September service hours to Glen. 

Joann introduced our speaker Cece Michaels, Chaplain at Bethany Lutheran Home. She also does marketing for them.

Bethany Lutheran Home is Rehab to Home and Longterm Care. Their motto is A Home Where Friends Become Family!

Bethany Heights Assisted Livings motto is Enriching the Quality & Dignity Of Life.

Cece talked about the cost and availability of Rehab, Longterm Care and Assisted Living. Their facility is not at capacity due to people seeking care at  home, shortage of nurses and lack of marketing the facilities. We enjoyed hearing about the facilities.

Next Board Meeting is October 25th at 6:30 pm at Kip's office.

Next meeting is Monday, October 9th at Legends at noon.

Submitted by Barb St John.