√ February 3:
Canopy South; Cesar Garcia, Executive Director
√ February 10:
Omahawks Radio Controlled Airplane Club - Grant Schulte and Jim Henley
February 17:
RISE: Jeremy Bourman, CEO
February 24:
Omaha's Preservation Program: Shelley McCafferty, City of Omaha Preservation Planner

Who's Online

We have 380 guests and no members online

Welcome to the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha
Founded in 1938 for Kiwanis Club of Greater Omaha and founded in 1961 for Kiwanis Club Westside which have merged together to form the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha. Each has a rich history of community service throughout the years. We are an eclectic mix of ages, genders, occupations, backgrounds and interests. We are all passionate about making our community and the world a better place for children so they can thrive. We are devoted to serving the children in our local community and also children all across the country and worldwide through unique and innovative service projects and fundraising initiatives. Members and invited guests meet each Monday at Noon for food, fellowship, and for the opportunity to hear from speakers about important matters in our region.
Meeting Location:
RSVP or Questions: [email protected]
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Kip.  This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance 15 members.
The 50/50 drawing was held with no winner and Happy Bucks collected.
Kip started the business discussion:
Barb continues to improve from her knee surgery and is keeping up with physical therapy.  Her return to the weekly meetings is still uncertain.
Dale reported on Sacred Heart - no recent readings and the next reading is scheduled for January 10 which will include Dale and Steve. 
Frank reported that the next Salvation Army Night Watch is scheduled for Thursday night with Rod helping.  Frank helped with December 10 Night Watch.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for January 7, rescheduled from December 17.
There is no Meeting on December 30.
The Guest Speaker Matt Manelli with Good will.
The next meeting is scheduled for January 6.
Stephen Bunting