√ December 2:

Erin Burdig -  Food Bank of the Heartland

December 9:

 Christmas Lunch with the Sacred Heart Kids

December 16:


December 23:


December 30:

No Meeting

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We have 1717 guests and no members online

Welcome to the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha
Founded in 1938 for Kiwanis Club of Greater Omaha and founded in 1961 for Kiwanis Club Westside which have merged together to form the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha. Each has a rich history of community service throughout the years. We are an eclectic mix of ages, genders, occupations, backgrounds and interests. We are all passionate about making our community and the world a better place for children so they can thrive. We are devoted to serving the children in our local community and also children all across the country and worldwide through unique and innovative service projects and fundraising initiatives. Members and invited guests meet each Monday at Noon for food, fellowship, and for the opportunity to hear from speakers about important matters in our region.
Meeting Location:
RSVP or Questions: [email protected]
 Attendance 13 Members.

The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Rod Muench. This was followed with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Kip Squire then conducted the business portion of the meeting:

A Board Meeting was held last week. Highlights included:
The budget for the 2023/24 Business Year was approved.
A preliminary approval was given to support the purchase of playground equipment for Caitlin Elementary. The tentative budget is $5,000. This project was originally sponsored by Jack Jackson.

Club members preformed bell ringing for the Salvation Army this past Saturday, December 16. This was the second of the two planned Saturdays - the first on December 9.

The Club presented a check for $100 to Crystal, the Legends waitress, as thanks for the meal services she has provided during the past year.

Dale Kaisershot gave an update of recent Sacred Heart Activities:
The lunch that was held last Monday for the 2nd Grade kids was appreciated by the students. Dale passed out thank you notes from the students.
Reading was done last Thursday with four Club Members. It went well.

Joel Christensen gave an update on a possible “Interclub” with the Golden K Club tomorrow. It appears we have three Members who will attend.

Our Guest Speaker was Tom Lynch with Boystown. He discussed the Boystown history as started by Father Flanagan, the world wide growth, living conditions for the kids at the Omaha location, along with general information, and answered many questions from the Club Members.

Before adjourning Kip reminded the group that we will not meet the next two Mondays (Christmas and New Years). The next meeting is January 8, 2024 at Legends.
Submitted by Steve Bunting