Attendance 14 Members plus 1 Guest Speaker
We opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Joann reviewed the dues payment status. We are still waiting on 6 members to provide a yes or no for staying with the club for the upcoming year. The only confirmed reservations are Jessica Buss, Jerry Coleman, and Teri Layton.
Tuesday September 19 is the next Board Meeting
Do not forget to get Service Hours to Glen Fineman
Reservations for the October 10 Installation Dinner are in progress. There are currently 16 confirmations.
Joel Christensen agreed to continue as the Club Interclub coordinator.
Kip Squire and Dave Huelsmann have started the registration process as new Club Trustees. There is an upcoming vote on October 5, Linda Placzek, of Golden K, is running.
The time for Bell Ringing with the Salvation Army is nearing. Vince Pille has agreed to coordinate for the Club this year.
Dale Kaisershot has coordinated time and dates for reading at Sacred Heart this fall. In general, the date and times are Thursdays at 1 PM. Dale will look to recruit at least three people for each reading date. The scheduled dates are:
October 5 and 19
November 2 and 16
Dale also reported the next date for Completely Kids is October 11 at 9 AM.
Our Guest Speaker is Ron Hernandez of “Moving Veterans Forward”. After his talk Joann presented him with a $100 donation check.
The next meeting is next Monday, September 25.
Steve Bunting, Treasurer