Attendance: 20 Members
50/50 Still no winner.
Rod collected Happy Bucks.
This is our last meeting at Legends on Thursday's. We will start meeting at Legends on Monday's as of August 14th.
We will not have meetings when a Holiday is on a Monday.
Barb and Dave delivered the back packs and school supplies to Sacred Heart School on Friday. Barb and Marilyn Cheney spent $723.61 on supplies for Sacred Heart School for Pre-K and 2nd Grade. That was a lot of supplies. Pictures below are of the supplies occupying our sofa and dining room table. This is a project I would recommend doing annually.

Barb changed the menu for Providing a Meal to Ronald McDonald House on August 12th. Another group was serving lasagna on April 10th. The change was made for us to serve sloppy joe's.
Barb passed around a sign-up sheet for cooking at R M House on August 12th. There's room for 2 more volunteers. Email Barb if you're available.
Dennis reminded everyone that the last 2 times for placing and picking up flags will be September 4th and September 11. Dennis will be sending out an email asking for volunteers. Email Dennis if you are available.
Glen checked with Olive Garden regarding meetings there. He was informed the corporate office said they will not ever be hosting groups or meeting again.
Glen heard from 8 people regarding service hours for July. Email Glen your service hours as soon as possible.
Our Summer Social will be at Jack's house on Saturday, August 26th at 6 pm. The meal will be catered. Jack will supply the beverages. He will send out an email with his address.
The Installation Dinner is October 10th. It will be at 6 pm at Champions Run Golf Course. More info to come.
Dues for our club will remain the same at $135.00. Mail your check to Steve or bring it to a meeting.
Let Joann or Steve know by September 30th if you do not plan to remain as a member. This is necessary because the club will have to pay International for you if you are still on the roster as of October 1st.
Dave reported the web site is still a work in progress. He has made a lot of progress. Still working on more progress.
Frank called Linda Jones to check on how she and Rod are doing. Rod is living in an Assisted Care Facility. Linda is still living at home.
Greg said he will give Jack Frost a call to see how he is doing.
Dale introduced our speaker. Richard Sette, Director of Team Bike. Team Bike Rescue of Omaha collects bicycles to refurbish. The refurbished bicycles are used for at-risk youth, homeless and refugees for transportation for employment. This is a very worthwhile project that Richard and the volunteers are doing.
Speaker for August 14th is Cheryl Murray for Partnership 4 Kids.
Next meeting is Monday, August 14th at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John