√ October 7:

Shannon Wiig, Director of Omaha Visitors Center

√ October 14:

Valerie Stoj, Election Committee.  She will give us an overview of the 2024 General Election.

√ October 21:

Linda Placzek Kiwanis Safe Environment Training

October 28:

Shawn McCarville, Project Pink support group for Breast Cancer survivors.  October is Breast Cancer awareness month

Welcome to the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha
Founded in 1938 for Kiwanis Club of Greater Omaha and founded in 1961 for Kiwanis Club Westside which have merged together to form the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha. Each has a rich history of community service throughout the years. We are an eclectic mix of ages, genders, occupations, backgrounds and interests. We are all passionate about making our community and the world a better place for children so they can thrive. We are devoted to serving the children in our local community and also children all across the country and worldwide through unique and innovative service projects and fundraising initiatives. Members and invited guests meet each Monday at Noon for food, fellowship, and for the opportunity to hear from speakers about important matters in our region.
Meeting Location:
RSVP or Questions: [email protected]
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Kip.This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
We skipped the business meeting in order to allow more time for our speaker.
Our attendance was great. 32 people were at this meeting.

Bill introduced our speaker Clayton Anderson. He is a  retired NASA U.S. Astronaut and currently President and CEO of Strategic Air Command & Aerospace Museum, an author and a motivational speaker.
It was fascinating to hear about his time as an astronaut. It was interesting hearing about the issues he has encountered at the SAC Museum and the accomplishments that have been made.  

Thank you to Bill for arranging such an interesting speaker.
Our speaker for our next meeting on April 1st will be Heartland Hope Mission - Tony English - Finance Coordinator.
Next Meeting is Monday, April 1st at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John
Attendance 13 Members. 
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Dave. This was followed with the Pledge of Allegiance. 
No winner for 50/50 drawing.
Bill collected Happy Bucks.
Barb has explored several places for us to have an evening social gathering. Every place is $1000.00 and more.The best option is to have it at Legends. They do not charge for the room. They do require a $200.00 deposit. This deposit will be applied to the bill for food on the night of the party. Everyone attending the meeting agreed this was an option to pursue. 
Dale said we have Reading on Thursday, March 21st at 1:45 at Sacred Heart School. Joann, Rich, Greg and Dale volunteered.
Dale said the Zoo Trip for the Sacred Heart 2nd Graders is possibly May 2nd. He is waiting for confirmation on this.
Jack said the Scholarship Committee will meet Thursday to determine the 4 scholarship winners. He said they have very good candidates this year.The scholarships will be presented at our Kiwanis meeting on April 8th.
Steve emailed the Golf Outing Flyer to everyone. Start thinking of ways you can help. It is June 7th and will be here before we know it
Bill encouraged us to attend the March 25th meeting and to bring friends and neighbors. Our speaker will be Clayton Anderson, retired NASA astronaut. He is the first and only astronaut from Nebraska. He is currently CEO of the Sac Air Force Museum. Kip sent emails to other clubs encouraging their attendance.
A big Thank You to Deb. She took aluminum cans and strips to the recycling center and earned $20.00 that she gave to our club. She said Jerry Coleman gave her several bags of cans. That was very thoughtful of Jerry since he is no longer a member of our club. Remember that you can bring aluminum cans to any of our weekly meetings to give to Deb. She stores them until she has enough to take to the recycling center.
We were also reminded to bring food, clothing or hygiene items to any meeting. Deb & Joann will see they are distributed to Sienna Francis House, Open Door Mission or Stevens Center. Open Door Mission is in need of travel size hygiene items and body wash.  One member brought food and clothing to donate to Open Door Mission today. Gwen really appreciated it.
Bill introduced our speaker Gwen Gonnerman, Donor Relations Manager for Open Door Mission.  Open Door Mission is a Gospel Rescue Mission that meets the needs of individuals and families while inspiring HOPE for lasting change.  Since 1954,Open Door Mission has been committed to reaching out a helping hand to as many as possible through numerous programs. In 2023 the served 1.8 million meals to the hungry. The need for has grown and the cost of food has increased. Gwen handed out a flyer with unbelievable statistics on the needs they met in 2023.
Our speaker next week is Clayton Anderson, retired NASA astronaut..
Our next meeting is March 25th at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John
Attendance 16 Members. 
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Kip. This was followed with the Pledge of Allegiance. 
No winner for 50/50 drawing.
Vince collected Happy Bucks.
Dale said we will have Reading at Sacred Heart School on March 21st, April 4th and April 18th.
Steve reminded everyone our Golf Outing is June 7th. He encouraged everyone to start thinking of a way to participate. Lot's of opportunities such as obtaining sponsor's, getting a team together, donating gift cards, donating gift baskets, helping set up the day of the outing, etc.
Barb and Dave picked up 30 frozen meals from Walmart and delivered them to Ronald McDonald House.  They were very appreciative about getting these. There's still money in our budget to prepare a meal there.
We were happy to welcome Frank back. 
Joann reported on the Division Meeting. She said there will be a new district website. More info later on this. Our clubs are also being encouraged to wear Kiwanis wear. August 2nd to 3rd is the District Convention. They are asking clubs to donate items for their silent auction. Joann received a list of speakers at the meeting. Contact her if you would like a copy of it.
Joann announced she will be the Lieutenant Governor next year. Congratulations Joann.
Glen volunteered to be Lieutenant Governor the following year.
Bill encouraged us to attend the March 25th meeting and to bring friends and neighbors. Our speaker will be Clayton Anderson, retired NASA astronaut. He is the first and only astronaut from Nebraska. He is currently CEO of the Sac Air Force Museum. Kip sent emails to other clubs encouraging their attendance.
Jack said the Committee for Scholarships will meet on March 20th to decide on the winners. They will be presented on April 8. Four $2000.00 scholarships will be presented this year. The fourth one is from the Rod Jones Memorial we received. It will be presented in his memory. Linda Jones plans to be here for the presentation.
Steve received Than You Notes for our donations to Omaha Street School, Sienna Francis House, Together Inc and Radio Talking Book.
Bill introduced our speaker Gabriella Hogan the Engagement Coordinator for Project Harmony. Their mission is to protect and support children, collaborate with professionals and engage the community to end child abuse and neglect. They do this by 

Restoring courage. Facilitating healing. Empowering families. Another interesting speaker.

Our speaker for March 18th will be from Open Door Mission.
Next Meeting is March 18th at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John
Attendance 13 Members. 
We had 3 guests and 2 speakers.

The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Ralph. This was followed with the Pledge of Allegiance. 
No winner for 50/50 drawing.
Bill collected Happy Bucks.
Joann announced the Division Council meeting will be Wednesday, March 6th at 7 a.m. at First Watch. Glen, Joann and Steve plan to attend.
Steve gave a report on our finances as of February 29th.  
Jack received the applications for the scholarships that will be awarded at our Kiwanis meeting on April 8th. Three $2000.00 scholarships will be awarded to Seniors from the following schools Creighton Prep, Burke, Marian and Northwest. The packets with the applications have been handed out to the committee to grade and determine who will receive the scholarships.
Glen reminded everyone to email service hours for February to him.
Dale said the dates for Reading at Sacred Heart School will be March 21st, April 4th and April 18. Joann volunteered for March 21st. Contact Dale if you are available to volunteer for any of these dates.
Dale, Joann, Barb and Dave helped pack 920 bags of food at Completely Kid's for the weekend backpack program.
Barb ordered 30 frozen meals for Ronald McDonald House for a total of $185.00. The order consists of family and single serving meals from Stouffer's and Marie Callender's. Dave and Barb will pick these up at Wal-mart Tuesday and deliver them to Ronald McDonald House.
Steve reminded everyone our Golf Outing is June 7th. He encouraged everyone to start thinking of a way to participate. Lot's of opportunities such as obtaining sponsor's, getting a team together, donating gift cards, donating gift baskets, helping set up the day of the outing, etc. I'm sure Steve could come up with other way's for us to be able to help.
Bill suggested inviting other Kiwanis Clubs, friends and relatives to attend our meeting on April 25th. Our speaker will be Clayton Anderson, retired NASA astronaut. He is the first and only astronaut from Nebraska. He is currently CEO of the Sac Air Force Museum.
Several people brought items for Deb or Joann to deliver to Sienna Francis, Stephen Center or Open Door Mission. Deb is encouraging members to bring items to each of our meetings. It can be as simple as bringing 1 food item, 1 piece of clothing , 1 personal item.  
Bill introduced our speaker Jay Miralles, Co-Founder and Board Member of the 50 Mile March Foundation. A select group of Walkers will march from the Capitol building in Lincoln, Nebraska to Omaha, Nebraska. The mission is to bring awareness to the struggles many of our Veterans face, such as mental illness and homelessness. The 50 Mile March raises donations for local nonprofits and Community of Hope.  In 2023,the walk raised $515,000.  There is a big commitment to qualify to walk in the 50 Mile March and a financial commitment too. Each walker commits to raising $2,500.00 by the end of the walk. Jay introduced Ron Hernandez, Founder of Moving Veterans Forward. Their mission is to help homeless Veterans in Iowa and Nebraska get housing and help furnish it. Very informative and interesting speakers.
Our speaker March 11 will be Gabriella Hogan , Community Engagement Coordinator for Project Harmony.
Our next meeting is March 11 at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John