√ October 7:

Shannon Wiig, Director of Omaha Visitors Center

√ October 14:

Valerie Stoj, Election Committee.  She will give us an overview of the 2024 General Election.

October 21:

Linda Placzek Kiwanis Safe Environment Training

October 28:

Shawn McCarville, Project Pink support group for Breast Cancer survivors.  October is Breast Cancer awareness month

Welcome to the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha
Founded in 1938 for Kiwanis Club of Greater Omaha and founded in 1961 for Kiwanis Club Westside which have merged together to form the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha. Each has a rich history of community service throughout the years. We are an eclectic mix of ages, genders, occupations, backgrounds and interests. We are all passionate about making our community and the world a better place for children so they can thrive. We are devoted to serving the children in our local community and also children all across the country and worldwide through unique and innovative service projects and fundraising initiatives. Members and invited guests meet each Monday at Noon for food, fellowship, and for the opportunity to hear from speakers about important matters in our region.
Meeting Location:
RSVP or Questions: [email protected]
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Kip.This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance:  16
We had a winner for the 50/50 Drawing. Dale was the lucky man.
Rod collected Happy Bucks.
Dale said Dave, Barb, Rich and Dennis volunteered for Completely Kid's on April 18th. Next time for Completely Kid's will be May 15th. Barb, Dave & Dale have volunteered. Let Dale know if you would like to volunteer.
Next Reading at Sacred Heart School is May 9th. Dana volunteered.  Let Dale know if you would like to volunteer.
Greg said that Dana, Rod and Frank have volunteered for the Zoo Trip for the 2nd graders at Sacred Heart School. Greg's wife Sally also volunteered to go. She will stay by the lunches. The trip is May 2nd. Be at the zoo at 10:00. Meet in the plaza area by the main entrance. 2 or 3 more volunteers are needed. Contact Greg if you are available and for more information regarding the trip.
Kip announced the District Meeting will be Wednesday, May 1st. Steve and Rod will attend the meeting.
Ralph said Special Olympics is on Friday, May 17th. It starts at 6 pm. We will be staffing the Shot Put and Standing Long Jump. Volunteers are needed. Contact Ralph if you are available to volunteer.
Deb helped with Clean Up Day at AllPlay last Saturday.She worked on cleaning the kitchen. Barb and Dave signed up to be Greeters on May 4th. Volunteers are needed for all the games. Go to Allplay.org to sign up.
Jack received thank you notes from all of the scholarship recipients. They were very appreciative of the scholarship.
Frank reminded everyone the first day for placing and picking up flags is May 18th at Loveland School. Placing is at 7 am and picking up is at 6 pm. Volunteers are needed. Contact Dennis if you are available.
Barb passed around the sign up sheet for our Kiwanis Social Event on May 7th at 6 pm at Legends. Appetizers will be paid for by our club. Drinks are on you. Email Barb if you plan to attend and have not signed up or notified her.
Glen asked everyone to email him your service hours for April.
Steve said things are starting out slow for the golf outing. We need members to step up on getting sponsorships, teams, prizes and volunteering to help the day of the outing. Suggestions are to ask friends, employers or anyone you can think of  for donations..Stop at restaurants and request gift cards. Your help is needed in order to make this event successful.  It is June 7th.
Greg introduced our speaker Jessie Rowe, Habitat For Humanity Home Ownership Counseling Manager.. Habitat for Humanity builds strength, stability and self-reliance through shelter.  Decent shelter is something we all need to thrive.  To address the need for decent shelter in our area, Habitat Omaha works in many ways: building and renovating homes, repairing existing houses, taking down blighted structures, advocating for better laws and systems, and more. We work with families to help them acquire the access, skills and financial education necessary for them to be successful homeowners. By partnering with us, families seize the opportunity and possibility that quality, affordable housing represents. There are lot's of volunteer opportunities on their website. 
Our speaker next week is Matt Mason - Poet Laureate of Nebraska
Our next meeting is May 6th at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Greg.This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance:  15
No winner for 50/50 Drawing.
Dennis collected Happy Bucks.
Dale said we had Reading at Sacred Heart School on April 18th. Joann, Barb, Dave and Dale volunteered.  
Next Reading is May 9th. Let Dale know if you can volunteer.
Dale said Completely Kid's will be at 9:00 am on April 30th. Dennis, Rich, Barb and Dave volunteered.
Greg said that Dana, Rod and Frank have volunteered for the Zoo Trip for the 2nd graders at Sacred Heart School. The trip is May 2nd. Contact Greg for more information.  2 or 3 more volunteers are needed. Contact Greg if you are available.  
Dennis reported that he received another $775.00 for the Flag project. $2600.00 collected so far.
First day to place  and pick up flags will be Saturday, May 18th for Armed Forces Day.  Be at Loveland School at 7 am to place flags and 6 pm to pick up flags. Contact Dennis if you are available to help.
Steve reported response to our Kiwanis Golf Outing is starting out slow. He did receive 2 more commitments .He's encouraging everyone to contact people for Hole Sponsors, teams and prizes
Deb reminded everyone that AllPlay changed the clean up day to this Saturday. You can go any time to help. Deb is planning to help.
Joel said we had an Inter Club last week. It was at the Golden K meeting. The speaker was Bruce Froendt. Joel, Deb, Dave and Barb were there.
Rod mentioned that he will be volunteering to help at the Big Garden. It's an opportunity for members of our club to volunteer.
Deb reminded everyone about our ongoing project of bringing items to our weekly meetings for Sienna Francis House, Open Door Mission and Stephen Center. She and Joann take turns dropping off the items. You can bring a lot or a little. It all helps.
Ralph was contacted by Special Olympics to see if we will staff the Shot Put again this year. It was decided we would. It will be May 17th. Rod, Dennis and Ralph volunteered.  Contact Ralph if you can volunteer.
Stu plans on staffing the Standing Long Jump.
Barb passed around the sign up sheet for our Kiwanis Social Event on May 7th at 6:00 pm at Legends. Appetizers will be furnished by our club. Drinks are on you. Contact Barb if you plan to attend and have not signed up or notified Barb.
Joel introduced our speaker Chris Tonniges. He is CEO for Lutheran Family Services.
Their Mission: Lutheran Family Services expresses God’s love for all people by providing quality human care services that build and strengthen individual, family, and community life. 
Chris told us about the many services that are offered. He also told us about Dana Village - A Destination for Hope and Community. It was very interesting to hear of what has already been accomplished there and the plans for the future.
Our speaker next week is Jessie Rowe from Habitat for Humanity - Home Ownership Counseling Manager.
Next Meeting is April 29th at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John

The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Rod.This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Attendance:  15

No winner for 50/50 Drawing.

Ralph collected Happy Bucks.

Dale said we are scheduled for Reading at Sacred Heart School on April 18th. Joann, Barb, Dave and Dale volunteered.  

Completely Kid's has been scheduled for April 30th. Dale, Dennis and Rich Volunteered.

We're also scheduled for May 15th. Dave and Barb volunteered. Contact Dale if you would like to volunteer.

The Zoo Trip for Sacred Heart School 2nd Graders is scheduled for May 2.  Greg needs 5 volunteers. Contact Dale if you are available.

Barb passed around a sign up sheet for our Kiwanis Club Social Event on May 7th at 6:00 pm at Legends. Spouses and significant others are welcome. Appetizers will be furnished by our club. Drinks are on you. Email or text Barb if you plan to attend and did not get a chance to sign up.

Rod reminded everyone that AllPlay will have their annual clean up this Saturday.  You can sign up on Allplay.com or just show up. There's a lot of opportunities to help.

Joel would like to have an Inter Club at the Golden K meeting tomorrow at Countryside church at 9:30 am. Bruce Froendt, Founder & Executer Director of the AllPlay Omaha will be the speaker.  Barb, Dave and Joel volunteered to go. Contact Joel if you would like to go or just show up.

Dennis reported we have already received $1860.00 in payment for flags. This is great considering the statements only went out 10 days ago.

He also reminded everyone that he will need volunteers to place and pick up flags on May 18, Armed Forces Day.  Contact Dennis if you are available to volunteer.

Steve said he is just starting to get sponsorships for our Golf Outing on June 7th.  Contact Steve if you have a team, someone to be a sponsor, or  prizes for the raffle.  

We voted on the slate of officers for next year. They are:

President             Kip

President Elect    Frank

Secretary             Glenn

Treasurer             Steve

Board Members:  Rod and Greg     Returning Board Members

                             Dennis                 New Board Member

! more Board Member is needed. Contact Kip if you would like to volunteer to be one.

Joel introduced our speaker Anna Lehotyak. She is Development Director for Diaper Bank

Nebraska Diaper Bank provides diapers through collaborative partnerships to change lives & empower families in need.

6,356,592 diapers distributed since 2014

4,500 children served monthly

290,000 diapers distributed monthly

Diaper Bank Helps to provide a sufficient number of clean, dry diapers to ensure that each diaper-wearing person can be changed out of wet or soiled diapers as often as necessary.

Our speaker next week is  Stephanie Gardeman - Director of Transitional Living - Lutheran Family Services.

Next Meeting is on April 22nd at noon at Legends.

Submitted by Barb St John


The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Kip.This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Dale said Rich,Steve, Greg and Dale were at Sacred Heart School last Thursday for the 2nd graders to read to them. The next date is April 18th. Barb, Dave , Joann and Dale have volunteered. Let Dale know if you would like to volunteer.
Greg said the Zoo Trip for Sacred Heart 2nd graders is May 2nd. He would like to have 5 volunteers. Let him know if you are available and he will go over the details with you.
Barb has our Kiwanis Club Social Event scheduled for Tuesday, May 7th  at 6:00 pm at Legends. This is for members, wives and significant others. Appetizers will be served. Our club will pay for them. The drinks are on you. You can text or email Barb if you plan to attend.  A sign up sheet will be passed around at the next  few meetings. 
We're looking for officers for 2024/2025. Really need someone to volunteer to be President. Contact Kip if you would like to volunteer.
Our guests were Linda and Maddie Jones. They are the wife and granddaughter of our long time member Rod Jones. 
Jack presented 4 scholarships to the following students. 
Grace Sparwasser     from Marian High School
Lucas Krappl              from Burke High School
Reagan Drekelbelhis from Marian High School
Greta Mann                from Westside High School
We usually give 3 scholarships each year. The Rod Jones Scholarship was added this year and awarded to Greta Mann.
Our Speaker next week is Anna Lehotyak, Development Director for The Diaper Bank.
Next Meeting is April 15th at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Rich.This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance:  15
No winner for 50/50 Drawing.
Dennis collected Happy Bucks.
Dale said Completely Kid's went well last Wednesday. Dennis, Rich and Dale helped pack food for the weekend backpack program.
There is reading this Thursday at Sacred Heart School. Rich, Greg, Steve and Dale have volunteered.
Greg said the Zoo Trip for the 2nd Graders at Sacred Heart School is scheduled for May 2nd. It will be from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm. This will include  walking outside with the children until having lunch at 11:30 am. You can bring your lunch or buy it there. A bus will transport the 2nd graders to and from the zoo. You can ride on the bus by being at the school by 9:30 am  or you can drive yourself to the zoo. You need to be at the zoo by 10:00 am. 5 Volunteers are needed. Contact Greg if you're available to volunteer.
Jack thanked his committee for selecting the Scholarship winners for this year. They are Bob, Dennis, Rod and Glen. The scholarships will be presented at our April 8th meeting.
Dennis said the bills for our Flag Program are being mailed this week. We receive $30.00 for each of the 157 flags we place and remove on 5 different Special Days. We also receive about $500.00 in donations.This is a big fund raiser for us. Look at your calendars and see if you can volunteer for any of the following day's. 
May 18th                US Armed Forces Day 
May 27th                Memorial Day
June 14th               Flag Day
Monday                  July 4th
September 11th      Patriots Day 
Contact Dennis if you are available on any of these dates.
Send Glen your public service hours for March.
Don't forget to bring food, clothing, hygiene or household items to our meetings for Deb or Joann to take to Sienna Francis House, Open Door Mission or Stevens Center. 1 or 2 items will be a big help to these facilities.
Our Golf Outing is June 7th. Steve has sent out fliers for teams, hole sponsors and donations. It's time to fill these out and get them back to Steve. Start thinking of donations and ways you can be of help for the outing.  Gift cards, golf balls, golf items, gift baskets etc would be appreciated for the raffle. 
Hope Mission is a faith-based organization that also offers Bible studies and prayer.
Joel introduced our speaker Amanda Devries from Heartland Hope Mission. They helps working poor families by providing them with some of life’s most basic staples including: a week’s supply of food, clothing, hygiene items, SNAP assistance, community referrals, and job resources. Heartland Hope Mission is a faith-based organization that also offers Bible studies and prayer. There's a lot of opportunities to volunteer there. You can find more details on their website HEARTLANDHOPEMISSION.ORG. 
 Board Meeting is Thursday, April 4th at 6:30 pm at Kip's office.
Jack will present Scholarships at our meeting on April 8th.
Next meeting is Monday, April 8th at Legends at noon.
Submitted by Barb St John.