The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Greg. This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance 13 members.
The 50/50 drawing was held by Barb who, along with Dave, returned after missing several meetings due to knee surgery. There was no winner.
Ralph collected Happy Bucks.
Steve started the business discussion:
Dale reported on Sacred Heart. The next reading is January 31 and scheduled readers are Greg, Rich, and Dale. The following reading is scheduled for February 21 with the scheduled readers as Steve, Rich, and Glen.
Dale also reported Completely Kids of January 21 was successful. Team members included Ralph, Joann, Frank, and Deb, and Dale.
Joann reported on Division activities:
She continues to attend the many club and higher meetings.
The SouthWest Club meetings location was changed to the Corner Cafe.
She also has a flyer for the March 29 Division Retreat for anyone's information.
The next Division 20 meeting is scheduled for February 5, 7 AM, at First Watch.
Jack reported on the Scholarship Program:
Application deadline is March 3. He has started receiving applications.
Planned reviewers include Jack, Dennis, Ralph, and Glen.
Dennis reported that the Salvation Night Watch outing scheduled for January 21 was cancelled due to extreme cold/wind chill.
Jack reported that Bob Lotus's condition, due to his recent stroke, is not good. He is paralyzed on his right side and is still at the Madonna Medical Center.
Vince reported that he recently visited Dan Pleis, former Greater Omaha Club member, and his condition is good.
The Guest Speaker was Evel Thomas from the Child Saving Institute.
The next meeting is scheduled for February 3 at Legends.
Stephen Bunting