The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Kip. This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance 16 members.
Kip started the business discussion:
Update on Barb's knee surgery - she is starting to move around the house and has started physical therapy.
Dale reported that the people at Sacred Heart felt that the special meal for the class last Monday, December 9, was successful. The kids are working on a writing assignment to describe their favorite part of the meal.
Salvation Army Bell Ringing was cancelled last Saturday, December 14. Unfortunately the Salvation Army coordinator failed to provide a timely notice and several of our members did arrive for their scheduled time.
Jack reported on the Scholarship Program. Applications were sent to the participating schools. However, he did state that the applications were also sent two new schools - Westview High School and Concordia.
Jack also reported that during this past icy weather, Bob Lotus's wife fell on their porch and broke her femur. Shortly after Bob was found in his home possibly suffering from a stroke. We will hope for good updates. Please monitor your email for updates from Jack and others.
A Completely Kids volunteering effort was completed last week with four of our members - Rod, Rich, Dennis, and Ralph. The effort was especially beneficial to the program due to the Club members the only volunteers.They prepared over 1,000 food bags.
The December 17 board meeting was rescheduled to January 8.
The normal Monday meeting for December 30, the date between Christmas and New Years, is cancelled.
The next meeting is scheduled for December 23, at 12 Noon, at Legends.
Steve Bunting