The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Kip.This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance: 16
No winner for the 50/50 Drawing.
Rod collected Happy Bucks.
We received a message from Dennis that he has enough volunteers for placing and picking up flags on July 4th.
Steve thanked everyone that participated in our Golf Outing. It came out very well. Our club made about $3,300.00 on it. A big Thank You to Steve for doing a great job coordinating everything.
Kip reminded everyone that Southwest Kiwanis Club's Golf Outing is July 18th. It would be nice if we had a team participate in their outing, since they had 2 teams at ours. Kip will work on lining up a team.
Vince is working on speakers for July. He is planning to reach out to Eddie in case he has a speaker lined up.
Frank thanked everyone that went to the service for Ila Dean, for the cards aKiwanis Club of West Omaha Meetingnd plant.
Remember you can bring food, clothing, household items to our meetings and Joann and Deb will deliver them to one of the following: Open Door Mission, Stephens Center, Sienna Francis House.
Rod introduced our speaker Tiffany H Reagan, Executive Director Omaha Parks Foundation. The Omaha Parks Foundation supports, protects, preserves, promotes, and improves the Omaha Parks and Recreation System. Tiffany told us about the complete and current projects they were involved with. Although they work closely with the Omaha Parks and Recreation Department on many project, they are a private-fiduciary partner to multiple government and non-profit institutions. Tiffany gave a very enlightening speech.
Board Meeting is Thursday, June 13th at 6:30 pm at Kip's office.
Speaker for June 17th is David Edmund Black, Senior director Public Affairs at Union Pacific Railroad.
Next Meeting is Monday, June 17th at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John